Thinking Humanity: Napping can Dramatically Increase Learning, Memory, Awareness, and More

As our day wears on, even when we get enough sleep at night, our focus and alertness degrade. While this can be a minor inconvenience in modern times, it may have meant life or death for our ancestors. Whether you are finishing up a project for work or hunting for your livelihood, a nap can rekindle your alertness and have your neurons back up and firing on high in as little as 15 to 20 minutes.Big name (and high-dollar) companies recognize this. Google and Apple are just a few that allow employees to have nap time. Studies have affirmed that short naps can improve awareness and productivity. Plus, who wouldn’t love a boss that lets you get a little shut-eye before the afternoon push? – See more at:

Thinking Humanity: Napping can Dramatically Increase Learning, Memory, Awareness, and More.

Six Toxic Beliefs That Will Ruin Your Career

Dr.Travis Bradberry, an exponent  and trainer of emotional intelligence and co-author of the bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, discusses how self talk – the thoughts you have about your feelings, can affect your productivity.

Negative self-talk is unrealistic, unnecessary, and self-defeating. It sends you into a downward emotional spiral that is difficult to pull out of. Be mindful of six common, yet toxic, beliefs that hold people back more than any others. Be aware of your tendencies to succumb to these beliefs, so that they don’t derail your career:

Excerpts from the recent article of Dr.Travis appeared on LinkedIn:

#1: Perfection = Success

Human beings, by our vary nature, are fallible. When perfection is your goal, you’re always left with a nagging sense of failure, and end up spending your time lamenting what you failed to accomplish, instead of enjoying what you were able to achieve. Read more:

Six Toxic Beliefs That Will Ruin Your Career | LinkedIn.

Related: Perform Better Under Stress Using Self-Affirmation — PsyBlog.

Anxiety Symptoms: 10 Common Signs To Watch Out For


According to Statistics Canada, anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health disorders in the country and is usually chronic and generally lasts at least six months.If left untreated, anxiety can get worse over time and people may not feel comfortable doing day-to-day routines like going to work or openly communicating with their partners.

While there are several symptoms of anxiety, Masand says they can be broken down to psychological and physical ones. Everything from irregular sleeping patterns to constantly fearing something in your life may be signs of anxiety disorder.

Masand says there are also several misconceptions about anxiety in the medical world. He believes not all forms of anxiety can be harmful, but rather they can help us stay focused and productive when we’re dealing with fears, for example. People suffering from anxiety, however, are also aware of the stigma. Telling someone to“calm down” or relating to them with your own stress, can all be viewed as annoying and unhelpful to someone with anxiety.

Anxiety Symptoms: 10 Common Signs To Watch Out For.

Related reading from around the Web:

 Anxiety Symptoms – Anxiety Attacks
 15 Small Steps You Can Take Today to Improve Anxiety Symptoms …
 Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Get the Facts on Symptoms
 Anxiety symptoms, panic attacks symptoms and treatment of anxiety …
 Symptoms | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA

 Stress and anxiety: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia


Tips on how to survive a midlife crisis …

| Life | Life & Style | Daily Express

Midlife is a time of transition for women: our children no longer rely on us and will soon leave home, leaving us to wonder “who am I now?”; we may face separation or divorce; our parents are ageing and we have health scares.

We can face all these challenges with heavy hearts and resentment, or we can embrace this new phase in our lives with enthusiasm.

One miserable day after the end of my 21-year marriage, years of tears and grief came flooding out of me. Then a text came in from a girlfriend with the words: “All I can say is it gets better. Go gently, be kind to yourself, and best knickers always.

Tips on how to survive a midlife crisis | Life | Life & Style | Daily Express.

The Secret of Effective Motivation …



THERE are two kinds of motive for engaging in any activity: internal and instrumental. If a scientist conducts research because she wants to discover important facts about the world, that’s an internal motive, since discovering facts is inherently related to the activity of research. If she conducts research because she wants to achieve scholarly renown, that’s an instrumental motive, since the relation between fame and research is not so inherent. Often, people have both internal and instrumental motives for doing what they do.


What mix of motives — internal or instrumental or both — is most conducive to success?

The Secret of Effective Motivation –

Ways to help working caregivers balance responsibilities ….

Based on The Globe and Mail report

We see that many middle-aged workers who juggle the demands of their jobs with the care of an elderly loved one are choosing retirement over the emotional stress of being torn between their professional and private lives. But, with the economy facing labour-market shortages and as an aging population straining the social security system,what could be done?

“There are currently 6.1 million employed Canadians who are providing to a family member or friend,” Ms. Alice Wong, the Minister of State for Seniors said a news release. The federal Conservative government is searching for ways to keep Canadians working for as long as they want to be employed. “Our government will work with employers through the Canadian Employers for Caregivers Plan to help identify cost-effective workplace solutions to support employed caregivers, helping them to achieve a better balance of work and caring responsibilities.”To that end, the Minister of State for Seniors, will announce a Canadian Employers for Caregivers Plan that aims to find ways to accommodate workers who are caregivers during their off hours.

Ottawa to seek ways to help working caregivers balance responsibilities – The Globe and Mail.

related: Caring for my sick husband, I am going through untold suffering

Five ways to go from negative thinking to positive results

The Globe and Mail

Contributed to The Globe and Mail

Whether or not you want to believe it, a powerful force is at work in your life. It’s called the Law of Attraction, and it’s attracting people, opportunities, situations and relationships. Unfortunately not all of them are good.

Before you stop reading this and dismiss it as some New Age “woo woo” cult, I promise to give you practical strategies you can implement without chanting or tambourines.

Here’s the crash course.

Everything around you – including you – is energy. Your feelings and moods give off a “vibe” or vibration and you attract people and situations that match this vibe. If, for example, you’re worried, anxious and stressed out about your finances, your “negative” vibe will cause you to continue to attract more struggles with your finances. Do I have your attention now?

Whatever you give your attention, energy and focus is what you attract to your life, negative or positive. A lot of people simply aren’t aware that they’re being negative. So they remain stuck in a vicious cycle, thinking they have no control of their circumstances. There are many things in our lives we can’t control, but we always have a choice on how we respond, act and feel.

Here are five strategies to help you shift from negative thinking to positive results:

Five ways to go from negative thinking to positive results – The Globe and Mail.

Denmark Is Considered The Happiest Country. You’ll Never Guess Why.


Last month, Denmark was crowned the happiest country in the world.

“The top countries generally rank higher in all six of the key factors identified in the World Happiness Report,” wrote University of British Columbia economics professor John Helliwell, one of the report’s contributing authors. “Together, these six factors explain three quarters of differences in life evaluations across hundreds of countries and over the years.”

The six factors for a happy nation split evenly between concerns on a government- and on a human-scale. The happiest countries have in common a large GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy at birth and a lack of corruption in leadership. But also essential were three things over which individual citizens have a bit more control over: A sense of social support, freedom to make life choices and a culture of generosity.

Denmark supports parents

Read further:Denmark Is Considered The Happiest Country. You’ll Never Guess Why.

How to use CharityVillage most effectively in your job search

Anyone who’s found themselves in the midst of an intensive job search knows that looking for work takes a lot of time, energy and dedication. Why waste any of those precious resources? At CharityVillage, we’re well known for our job board. But are you using the job board as effectively as possible? And what about the rest of the resources we have available?

If you’re just browsing the job board, you’re barely scratching the surface. Make the most of your time and effort and take advantage of all that CharityVillage has to offer by following these ten tips.

How to use CharityVillage most effectively in your job search.