7 Qualities of Remarkably Well-Liked Leaders

| Inc.com

They ask detailed questions…

In my example of the employee who came into work and had a big fit, I didn’t ask questions about why she wasn’t available. Good leaders know how to do that. Before making a command or directing the work force, a good leader asks for more information. That kind of leader is easy to like because we all like passing on information and no one likes dealing with a tyrant who just tells us what to do.

7 Qualities of Remarkably Well-Liked Leaders | Inc.com.

Innovation: If you can’t make yourself obsolete, someone else will…

The Globe and Mail

What business leaders should be doing now to prepare their organizations to be healthy, efficient and growing by 2020.

Corporate committees, brainstorming sessions, suggestion boxes: These rarely produce free-thinking innovation. All too often, they’re the places where good ideas go to die.Read more atgam.ca/agenda2020.

Innovation: If you can’t make yourself obsolete, someone else will – The Globe and Mail.

‘My Body My Rights’ Campaign with body art by Hikaru Cho


Amnesty International and Tokyo-based artist Hikaru Cho have collaborated to produce the ‘My Body My Rights’ campaign – a series of unique paintings. Hikaru Cho, aka Choo-San, is a second-year university student in Tokyo. Her work was widely featured in British and international media last year. Each design for the Amnesty campaign depicts a ‘body right’. Click here to see the paintings: ‘My Body My Rights’ body art by Hikaru Cho – Telegraph.

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? Here’s How To Tell

Based on Huff Post feed By 

What makes some people more successful in work and life than others? IQ and work ethic are important, but they don’t tell the whole story. Our emotional intelligence — the way we manage emotions, both our own and those of others — can play a critical role in determining our happiness and success.

Plato said that all learning has some emotional basis, and he may be right. The way we interact with and regulate our emotions has repercussions in nearly every aspect of our lives. To put it in colloquial terms, emotional intelligence (EQ) is like “street smarts,” as opposed to “book smarts,” and it’s what accounts for a great deal of one’s ability to navigate life effectively.

“What having emotional intelligence looks like is that you’re confident, good at working towards your goals, adaptable and flexible. You recover quickly from stress and you’re resilient,” Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, tells The Huffington Post. “Life goes much more smoothly if you have good emotional intelligence.”

The five components of emotional intelligence, as defined by Goleman, are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, social skills and empathy. We can be strong in some of these areas and deficient in others, but we all have the power to improve any of them.

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? Here’s How To Tell.

More Women and Foreign-Educated Executives Enter Top Ranks, Study Finds


Though senior executive ranks remain dominated by men, women now occupy nearly 18 percent of the top slots at Fortune 100 companies, according to the article, “Who’s Got Those Top Jobs,” which examined the career trajectories, education levels and diversity among the 1,000 top-tier executives in 2011. That is a notable change from 1980, when none of the Fortune 100 companies had women in the corner office and is also up from 2001, when 11 percent of the top-ranking jobs were held by women.

The article was based on research by Peter Cappelli, a professor of management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, and Monika Hamori, a professor of human resource management at IE Business School in Madrid, and was done with the help of Rocio Bonet, assistant professor of human resource management, at Madrid’s IE Business School.

Men educated outside the United States hold about 11 percent of the top positions, a notable increase from the 2 percent in 1980. Over the last 30 years, more multinationals have opened a pipeline of managers from their overseas operations to take high-level roles.

More Women and Foreign-Educated Executives Enter Top Ranks, Study Finds – NYTimes.com.

Five key leadership traits for 2014

The Globe and Mail

1. The ability to zoom

A former boss was fond of saying: “From 30,000 feet, a bear and a possum look about the same.”

Leaders need to be forever running a filter in their minds: What is truly important, and what is truly important for them to focus on intensely. The distinction between these two is essential. There are some important things they should focus on, and other important things someone else should focus on. Leaders have to choose the places where they can have the biggest impact. They need to decide on key areas of focus, and then zoom in on those specific issues or projects, moving from overseeing to being more hands-on and working in closer proximity to the core team.

2. The ability to lead in a complex environment

3. An exceptional ability to communicate

4. The ability to learn and to teach

5. Be authentic

Five key leadership traits for 2014 – The Globe and Mail.

The Signs of a Leader’s Empathy Deficit Disorder


By Daniel Goleman, Author of FOCUS: The Hidden Driver of Excellence on LinkedIn

There are three kinds of empathy. First, cognitive, where you sense how the other person thinks about the world, which means you can put what you have to say in terms they will understand. Second, emotional, where you instantly resonate with how the person feels. And third, empathic concern, where you express the ways you care about the person by helping with what you sense they need.

The signs of a leadership empathy deficit in any or all of these varieties can best be detected by how a leader’s actions impact those he or she leads. Some of the common signs:

1. Directives or memos that make no sense to those receiving them are a sign that a boss does not understand how employees think about their world, and fails to tune in to the language that would make most sense to them. Another sign of low cognitive empathy: strategies, plans or goals that make little sense or seem off-point to those who are to execute them.

The Signs of a Leader’s Empathy Deficit Disorder | LinkedIn.

Exercise May be the Best Prescription for Depression…

| Mental Conditioning | OutsideOnline.com

We know that a good sweat session can do wonders for your mood, but new research is showing that it can go much farther than that.

Building on previous studies suggesting that exercise could benefit those suffering from depression, researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have suggested a precise aerobic and resistance exercise regimen for people with major depressive disorder (MDD). Following this exercise “prescription” could have anti-depressive effects comparable to medication for some patients.

“All treatments for depression are good but not perfect,” Dr. Madhukar Trivedi, one of the authors of the study, says. “There still remains a huge need for novel treatments.” A slew of studies say that exercise could be a good additional option for people already on an antidepressant, who might be feeling better but not completely well.

Exercise May be the Best Prescription for Depression. | Mental Conditioning | OutsideOnline.com.


Six tips to communicate like a leader


Special to The Globe and Mail: Published Monday, Nov. 04 2013, 7:00 PM EST

Excelling in communication is one of the top consistently rated traits of distinguished leaders. But communication skills are not intuitive or taught in business school.

The communication style of recognized personalities such as the International Monetary Fund’s Christine Lagarde, Virgin Group founder Richard Branson, former Liberal leader Bob Rae and even actress Angelina Jolie seems to come naturally, but I can assure you that great communicators methodically prepare for all of their presentations – big or small.
