Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience, Human Development Report 2014

Human Development Reports | United Nations Development Programme.

The 2014 Human Development Report – Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience provides a fresh perspective on vulnerability and proposes ways to strengthen resilience.

According to income-based measures of poverty, 1.2 billion people live with $1.25 or less a day. However, according to the UNDP Multidimensional Poverty Index, almost 1.5 billion people in 91 developing countries are living in poverty with overlapping deprivations in health, education and living standards. And although poverty is declining overall, almost 800 million people are at risk of falling back into poverty if setbacks occur. Many people face either structural or life-cycle vulnerabilities.

Human Development Reports | United Nations Development Programme.

Boys’ And Girls’ Brains Are Different: Gender Differences In Language Appear Biological


Researchers have long agreed girls have superior language abilities to boys, but haven’t clearly provided a biological basis to account for their differences. In unambiguous findings, researchers now show both that brain areas associated with language work harder in girls during language tasks, and that boys and girls rely on very different parts of the brain when performing these tasks. Language processing is more abstract in girls, more sensory in boys.

Boys’ And Girls’ Brains Are Different: Gender Differences In Language Appear Biological — ScienceDaily.

New Strategies to Calm a Child’s Mind …

Based on the Scientific American article:

It just may be one of the most underappreciated health problems in the U.S. today: As many as one in five children experience a mental disorder in a given year. The effects can be lasting, reducing their life satisfaction and productivity for years if their symptoms go undiagnosed and untreated.

For these reasons, in this special report, “Calming a Child’s Mind,” we highlight emerging therapies for the three most prevalent childhood disorders— anxiety, behavior or conduct disorder, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)  Psychologist Jerry Bubrick leads off the section with his account of helping several young patients overcome anxiety in “New Therapy Helps Children Wallop Their Worries.” In “Parent Training Can Improve Kids’ Behavior” staff editor Ingrid Wickelgren drops in on a parent-training program that helps moms and dads build healthier relationships with their recalcitrant offspring. And contributing editor Emily Laber-Warren explores a growing trend to treat signs of ADHD at ages four or five, before the disorder can be officially diagnosed. Read further…

New Strategies to Calm a Child’s Mind – Scientific American.

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? Here’s How To Tell

Based on Huff Post feed By 

What makes some people more successful in work and life than others? IQ and work ethic are important, but they don’t tell the whole story. Our emotional intelligence — the way we manage emotions, both our own and those of others — can play a critical role in determining our happiness and success.

Plato said that all learning has some emotional basis, and he may be right. The way we interact with and regulate our emotions has repercussions in nearly every aspect of our lives. To put it in colloquial terms, emotional intelligence (EQ) is like “street smarts,” as opposed to “book smarts,” and it’s what accounts for a great deal of one’s ability to navigate life effectively.

“What having emotional intelligence looks like is that you’re confident, good at working towards your goals, adaptable and flexible. You recover quickly from stress and you’re resilient,” Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, tells The Huffington Post. “Life goes much more smoothly if you have good emotional intelligence.”

The five components of emotional intelligence, as defined by Goleman, are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, social skills and empathy. We can be strong in some of these areas and deficient in others, but we all have the power to improve any of them.

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? Here’s How To Tell.

Percentage of Infants Exclusively Breastfed for the First Six Months of Life

This map shows percentage of Infants that are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) emphasize the value of breastfeeding for mothers as well as children. Both recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and then supplemented breastfeeding for at least one year and up to two years or more.

Percentage of Infants Exclusively Breastfed for the First Six Months of Life.

‘Parents, don’t overrate your children,’ says seasoned educator ….

| Tuổi Trẻ news

A veteran educator has caused a stir on social media after he released a letter to parents at the school, located in Hanoi, where he is the principal, suggesting they should not overrate and indulge their children.

Associate Professor Van Nhu Cuong, a 76-year-old mathematician who has written many textbooks for high school and college students, offered his suggestions in the letter, published last week on Luong The Vinh High School’s website when the 2013-14 academic year officially began.

His letter touched on many hotly debated issues like excessive care for children, after-school classes (organized at school or teachers’ homes and considered an extra burden on students), and internet addiction.

‘Parents, don’t overrate your children,’ says seasoned educator | Tuổi Trẻ news.

22 Alternatives to Punishment – The Natural Child Project

Twenty-two alternatives that give positive, loving messages:

1. Prevent unwanted behavior by meeting your child’s needs when they are first expressed. With her current needs met, she is free to move on to the next stage of learning.

2. Provide a safe, child-friendly environment. There is little point in having precious items within the reach of a baby or toddler, when they can simply be put away until the child is old enough to handle them carefully.

To read, click on the link below

22 Alternatives to Punishment – The Natural Child Project.

Barack Obama has a strategy to discourage his daughters from rebelling, perhaps by getting a tattoo himself. reports based on interview.

Mr Obama says he and his wife, Michelle, have told 14-year-old Malia and 11-year-old Sasha that if they ever decide to get a tattoo then “mommy and me” will get the same tattoo in the same place on their bodies and show it off on YouTube as a “family tattoo.”

Mr Obama commented in an interview taped last week and broadcast yesterday on the US Today show.(Look for the link of the Interview on our ‘Twitter updates’ on the right side)

Read more: