How To Understand An Introvert, In One Chart

Many people associate the personality type with being shy or aloof, when really they just tend to reflect inwardly. In fact, introverts can just easily be social butterflies like their extroverted counterparts, they just approach it differently. But that’s not all that makes up an introvert: They also are extremely detail oriented, tend to be old soulsand make the most of downtime.

But if you just don’t identify with any of these characteristics (and don’t understand how anyone else does, either), fear not. Artist Roman Jones has created a handy guide that details everything you need to know about the “quiet type.” Read on to discover what introverts really think on a daily basis. Who knows? You may be able to relate to the personality type more than you thought.

How To Understand An Introvert, In One Chart.

The Power of Empathy (and One Surefire Way to Know If You’re Missing It…)

| Mindful

Our brains are wired to get away from pain. One of the ways we do that in a relationship is try to lighten the moment. But should we?

If someone shares something with you that is incredibly painful and you try to lighten the moment, that may be a lack of empathy. Empathy is about understanding where someone is coming from and caring about them, it says nothing about trying to make someone feel better. The following is a good descriptive cartoon that illuminates the difference between sympathy and empathy from a talk with Brene Brown, author of Daring Greatly.

The Power of Empathy (and One Surefire Way to Know If You’re Missing It) | Mindful.

The ONE CHANGE that could reduce anxiety that almost no one tries….

It’s astonishing to me how many times I’ve had this conversation with countless clients. And the solution seems simple: if alcohol is scientifically known to stir up anxiety, then eliminating or significantly reducing its consumption would reduce anxiety. Yet when I offer this suggestion, I’m often met with resistance.

It’s not like when I suggest reducing or eliminating sugar, gluten, or grains, all of which are also known to contribute to anxiety and depression for some people. Those aren’t easy to eliminate, but they don’t occupy the same social status in our culture that alcohol does.

The #1 Change That Could Reduce Anxiety (That Almost No One Tries).

Thinking Humanity: Psychoanalyze Yourself Test

This is a very interesting test. Try it.
Have a pen and paper handy before you read any further. As soon as you read a question, write the answer right away. Make sure to answer questions 1-10 before moving onNO CHEATING!!
Read the following questions, imagining the scenes in your mind, and write down the FIRST thing that you visualize. Do not think about the questions excessively.
Thinking Humanity: Psychoanalyze Yourself Test.

» 25 Epic Guides to Inner Peace

Based on the leads from

Ahhh, the elusive inner peace in today’s crazy busy world, how do you achieve bliss? How can you unplug and be happy amid the chaos? Here is your Epic Guide to Inner Peace:

1. Unplug! If you’re attached to the umbilical cord of your smartphone, you are at anybody’s beck and call, you are overwhelmed with information (some important, some not at all) and you are constantly interrupted. You deserve some time to devote exclusively to yourself, to your relationships, to your work and to your passions and goals.

» 25 Epic Guides to Inner Peace.

Behavioural Interventions 

Behaviour Analysis is the science of behaviour. Applied behaviour analysis (ABA) is the process of systematically applying interventions based upon the principles of learning theory to improve socially significant behaviours to a meaningful degree.

The Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) approach teaches social, motor, and verbal behaviours as well as reasoning skills. ABA treatment is especially useful in teaching behaviours to children with autism who may otherwise not “pick up” these behaviours on their own as other children would. The ABA approach can be used by a parent, counselor, or certified behaviour analyst.

ABA uses careful behavioural observation and positive reinforcement or prompting to teach each step of a behaviour. A child’s behaviour is reinforced with a reward when he or she performs each of the steps correctly. Undesirable behaviours, or those that interfere with learning and social skills, are watched closely. The goal is to determine what happens to trigger a behaviour, and what happens after that behaviour to reinforce it. The idea is to remove these triggers and reinforcers from the child’s environment. New reinforcers are then used to teach the child a different behaviour in response to the same trigger.

ABA treatment can include any of several established teaching tools, including discrete trial training, incidental teaching, pivotal response training, fluency building, and verbal behaviour (VB). | Treatments: Behavioural.